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7v7 Spring Football League

7v7 Touch Football Inquiries

Volunteer Coaches Needed:

We are looking for volunteer head coaches to help lead their teams while creating fun and memorable experiences for our youth program!  All coaches are required to complete the player's health requirements and consussion training as required by all adults who work with children. You can review and complete here: Background Check and Player's Health

SPRING 2025-- Youth 7v7 Information


Location: Apple Valley High School (14450 Hayes Rd, Apple Valley MN 55124)

Dates: Sundays; April 13th, 27th, May 4th, 11th, 18th

Time: Between 11:00 AM - 7:00 PM

Duration: Each session lasts approximately 1-1.5 hours per occurence and will include 2 games

***Exact schedules will be determined closer to game day.


Age Divisions:

  • Grades 3rd through 8th grade- Jersey included

Registration Rates & Deadlines:

  • $89 Early Bird (Ends Feb 15th)
  • $99 Regular Rate (Ends March 21st)
  • $125 Late Registration Rate (based on availability)

New This Year!

Coaches – Get a Discount on Your Child’s Registration!

Head Coach Registration Special
This year, when you register as a head coach and complete all required training by March 31st, you’ll receive a discount on your child's football registration fees!

Coaching one team = One child discount.

✅ Sign up today and help make this season unforgettable for the players!

To ensure teams remain small (max 10 players per team), we need enough coaches. Your support makes a big difference!

Team Formation:

Please note that friend requests are not permitted. If your player would like to play with a specific teammate, a "team" can be formed at no additional cost. Coaches can complete the player registration form to create the team. This is the only way to guarantee players are placed together. Generally, teams are formed based on the same schools.

How to sign up a team

  • Coaches sign up the team using the player registration form at NO cost.
  • Coaches will still need to register and complete players heath and a background check as well.
  • A team registration is the only way to guarantee that friends can play on the same team together, max 10 kids per team 
  • Fill out the coaches contact information.
  • Enter up to 10 players on the team, if you don't have 10 don't worry.
  • Coach should then notify players to individually register and enter either COACHES NAME.  
  • Players MUST register by team deadline in order to be guaranteed a spot on the team, failure to do so they may lose their spot on that team.


  • For coaches that signed up as a team – if all your players have not individually registered by the deadline, March 21st, then their positions can be filled with other registrations (as decided by our 7v7 committee).
  • Rosters will be completed at least one week prior to the first session. 
  • Rosters are locked and you may not bring players to "fill in" if players are missing, you may play with fewer than 10. If players play that are not on the final roster, may result in a forfeit. 


Required Equipment: 

  • Soft shell helmets are mandatory and must be worn at all times during play.
    • You can purchase these helmets via Amazon, Walmart and  Play It Again
  • Mouthguards are also mandatory and must be worn at all times during play.
    • You can buy mouthguards at your local sports store, walmart, target, amazon and more.